Tommy Clubb
General Manager

Mary Clubb
Phone Works Plus was established as an Oklahoma corporation on November 16, 1998. We are a family-owned company deeply committed to the business ventures, community and customers we serve.
Phone Works Plus endeavors to put the needs of the customer first by supplying quality service and product to meet present needs with future growth potential in mind. We are dedicated to enhancing your business while saving you money.
Tommy Clubb, General Manager, has over 34 years experience in the telecommunications field. Having worked in metropolitan areas like Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Atlanta, Kansas City, Dallas and St. Louis, he is familiar with the communication needs enabling him to better meet public demand. Small communities are served as well with a focus on what the smaller business requires.
Phone Works Plus will go the extra mile for you. We are dedicated to enhancing your business and making sure you get the type of system you need. Our company will do a turnkey job, from cabling the facility to extending the dial tone to the phone set on the desk.
We are waiting to serve you!
Mary Clubb